Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Calories Can Be Good!

I am breathing for the first time this week.  Yes, my week has been that busy.  If that is the case, you may be wondering, why would I be taking the time to update a blog that hasn't seen an update in months worth of sunrises?  Simply because I need some great suggestions and this is too long to put on Facebook.

In this world where we are all so focused on healthy eating and keeping the pounds off, we are having the opposite problem at our house.  My oldest child is just basically not interested in eating.  Not because he's picky (he's not significantly pickier than other kids) but just because his mind is always going 100 mph and he is too preoccupied to think about food.  I don't let him starve and I always push him to eat.  However, despite my best efforts,as I found out at the Dr. today, he has gained less than a pound in the last 15 months and has dropped thirty PERCENTILES (to less than 10) on the BMI index. He is eight pounds below his target weight for his height.  Not good when you're only 60 pounds to begin with (that's nearly 15 percent of his body weight he should gain). 

Anyway, my point to this is I could really use some suggestions for some very high calorie foods that will pack a big punch with a little amount, as he is not interested in eating much. (And he doesn't like chocolate milk/milk so the whole instant breakfast thing doesn't work with him).  There is an overload of info on cutting calories, but not as much out there on adding them in a kid-friendly way for a kid who also doesn't love peanut butter.  His protruding ribs and cheekbones are starting to worry me. . . especially now that I have backup from Dr. Mindy that there really is a low-weight  problem going on. 

I have a special note from the Dr. to take to school tomorrow instructing them to please allow him to eat a snack at recess and also to please have someone monitor that he actually ate his lunch during lunch period, instead of using his time to just socialize.  We're hoping to add most of his calories in at snack-times so that we don't have to make him a separate higher-calorie meal each time, as the rest of us in the family don't want to be packing on the pounds.  So give me your best high-calorie, kid friendly snacks (that are easy to transport to school).  Ready, set, go . . .

1 comment:

  1. You should have heard my rants everytime I went to a store that didn't sell full fat greek yorgurt. I'm sure people were looking at me funny, but honestly, there are people out there who need to gain weight! I posted all my ideas on facebook. Good luck.
