Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Fun

Yesterday we had a freak freezing rain storm here in my hometown.  Everything was covered in a layer of ice and the roads and sidewalks were treacherous.  I decided that it would be a great day to wear high-heeled boots. 

Yesterday also happened to be a day that I needed to stop by my parents house to retrieve something.  My parents house sits at the top of a fairly steeply sloped driveway. . . Do you see where I am going with this?

So I park on their driveway, no problem.  Once I got out of the car, that's when the problem started.  Because they are out of town and not home to care for their property, their driveway was an ice skating rink.  Seriously.  And high-heeled boots and steeply sloped ice skating rinks are a recipe for disaster.  I could not even stand up on their driveway.  The moment my feet left the car I was holding on to the side view mirror for dear life as my feet shot out in different directions.  There was no way I was going to make it up that driveway in one piece.

UNTIL.  I had the brilliant idea to get down on my hands and knees and CRAWL up their driveway.  It worked, but it wasn't pretty.  And  it was cold.  And about 10 cars happened to pass by to witness the scene (and I think I saw the neighbors peaking through the curtains too).  That's when I decided it was time to move to Arizona.  Or Texas.  Even if the summers are unbearable and they have scorpions. 

Yes it was a pretty embarrassing part of my day.  (Almost as embarrassing as when I sent my sister-in-law an email that was clearly intended for my husband earlier this month.)   But at least I was wearing cute boots during my moment of humiliation!

On another note, today it warmed up enough to turn the thick layer of snow and ice that's been covering our driveway all month into slushy snow and ice.  So guess what I did.  Got the shovel out and had fun hacking up the icy snow and throwing it in a pile.  Seriously, I discovered that I kind of enjoy shoveling icy snow. As long as it's close to 40 degrees outside and not 10 below. It's a good tension reliever.   I liked it so much that I did it twice.  Once for the first layer and later for the second layer (yes it was really that packed).  So what I'm thinking is that because I also worked out first thing this morning (yay me!) I can count myself as getting in all three workouts for my resolutions done in one day. . . or maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I can picture you crawling up the driveway. That is dang funny and I would have laughed at you. So how did you get back into the car?
    People in Utah need to learn that an ice storm is not something you go out in. :) I will have to show you some pictures of Missouri sometime.
    Your arms will probably hurt tomorrow.
