Sunday, January 20, 2013


Write while the heat is in you. … The writer who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with.
Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes I skip writing because I simply have nothing to say.  My brain is like Death Valley in July and incinerates all of the words. . . also the desire. 
Other times I do not write because the words are flooding my mind until my head is bursting and I am simply too overwhelmed to know where to begin to alleviate the pressure. 
This second excuse is the reason for my current absence from the blog. After my week of influenza I had so much to say that I didn't know what say.  It's a troubling dilemma for sure. 
But then I read the above quote from Mr. Thoreau and I realized that I just needed to write something and the rest would fall into place.  With this realization came a bit of lamentation over the lost words.  Words that were thought but never set down.  Words that have since been turned to irretrievable dust. . . .or have floated away into the vast ocean of my brain and are now indistinguishable from the other lost words.  I have an entire lifetime of lost words. . .  also of lost opportunities.  For I believe Thoreau's quote can be applied to life in general.  Especially to inspiration we receive that we push aside and either never act on, or act on half-heartedly or too late. 
I don't want to spend my life losing words and opportunities.  I want to resolve to strike while the iron is hot.  Before it's too hot that my words are swept away in the dry wind of life and I have nothing left to say. 

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